Estates and Woodland Services

Estate Owners or Managers

Estate Owners or Managers may commission a tree survey and report to establish what variety of species they have growing on their grounds, similar to private individuals but potentially on a larger scale.

The report would also be a "working document" ensuring best practice in the future management of the trees.

Many estates will feature very mature and veteran trees which require a different approach to their management.

It is likely that Conservation Area, Tree Preservation Order or other statutory protection will be present. An arboricultural survey and report will detail protected trees and areas and will assist in future management and applications to the Local Authority for proposed tree works.

The survey and report will also highlight potentially hazardous trees and make recommendations for work to be undertaken to ensure they do not pose a threat to the safety of people or to the property.

Owners and managers of trees have an obligation under UK common and statute law to ensure their trees do not cause damage or harm to other people and property and reasonably forseeable risks are reduced to acceptable levels. (see the Useful Links page for further reading on trees and the law).

Contact Us to discuss your requirements further, arrange a consultation meeting or find out more about our consultancy services for Estate Owners and Managers.